

Honestly, I am just a man who believes in the one true God. I believe that what the Bible says is true and that if we set our lives to its instructions we will live better lives for it. Jesus is our savior and by no other name can we be saved. I carry no flag of denomination or title, instead, I will carry the cross and live my life in the calling of the Holy Spirit. I hope that this site is a blessing to you and to those you may lead to it. My name is Keith Hack. Welcome to Word Walkers! 


My mission is obviously to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be a beacon of hope in these days.  Jesus said “let your yes be yes and no be no”. I will do my very best to give the truth without conspiracy and sensationalism.


To give people the truth of the scriptures as the signs of the times are coming to pass. I believe the time is drawing very near when we will se the revealing signs of Jesus Christ.